Terms of User


Access to all Conference Sessions
Opportunity to give a Keynote/ Plenary/ Poster Presentations/ Workshop/ Symposium
Opportunity to publish your Abstract in the Conference Proceedings Book
Certificate Accredited by our Organizing Committee Member
Handbook & Conference Kit
Tea/Coffee & Snack, Lunch during the Conference

Delegate Registration

Access to all Conference Sessions
Participation Certificate Accredited by our Organizing Committee Member
Delegates are not allowed to present their papers in Oral or Poster sessions
Handbook & Conference Kit
Tea/Coffee & Snack, Lunch during the Conference

Poster Registration

Includes all the above Registration Benefits 
You will have to bring your Posters to the Conference Venue

Video Presentation

The amount charged for Video Presentation is to display the Presentation at the Conference.
Presenter will get Video participation certificate as a soft copy. 
The abstract will be published in the conference proceeding book
The presenter is not required to be present in person at the conference

Accommodation Details

For Extra Night Accommodation, kindly contact the Program Manager
Single Occupancy Room would Accommodate only a Single Person & Double Occupancy would Accommodate 2 Persons

Package A (Registration + 2 Nights' Accommodation)

Features include Registration and Two Nights’ Accommodation (i.e. 19th  to 20th  July 2024).
Complimentary Breakfast
Free Wi-Fi

Accompanying Person

Accompanying Persons are those who accompany the participants at the conference who may be either a spouse/family partner and/or a son/daughter and must register under this category. Please note that business partners do not qualify as Accompanying Persons and are not allowed to register as an Accompanying Person.